This yarn was ugly ugly ugly on the ball. I can't even describe to you how badly it clashed and burned my retinas. That's saying a lot, mind you, considering I generally like a little bit of clashing! Well as it happens even the worst color combinations can be made attractive by picking the right color to break it up a little bit.
In this case flat black was exactly what was needed to make this go from princess barf to radical 80s inspired neons. In addition, because the second yarn added so much thickness, it worked up so fast! A border on each end to contain the gnarly and three matching colors, but mismatched sized buttons gave it just a little detail. Oh how I wish I had had a couple different shapes in these colors. The 80s effect would have been perfect. Happily, changing a button can always be done later on, so there's no reason for me to sweat it.
Princess Barf. That phrase will be in my head all day!