It was only a matter of time really. I'm not sure there's a crocheter around that hasn't heard the term pineapple and wept with either joy or dismay at the thought of them. I think they're pretty sweet, but must be shown proper respect. As with any large motif, they can get out of hand very quickly and a little bit goes a long way.
There are hundreds of versions of these simple little motifs but the gist of it is as such: Chain a large gap in your crochet. Finish the row and on the way back when you get to the gap, make a whole bunch of either double or treble crochet stitches always an odd number. On the next row you'll work shorter chain gaps, single crocheting into every other stitch. Continue in this manner until only one short crochet loop remains and continue with your original pattern.
Check any crochet stitch dictionary and you're sure to find at least one of these motifs.
pineapples. Like you said, it was inevitable you'd get to them. I think they can look great when done properly. I've seen them used as central motifs to good effect.