This is just a stitch pattern, but it's so useful! I love garter stitch because it's so very easy and I can quite literally do it with my eyes closed. Let's say I want to make a cowl or a scarf for a young person that I know. By using vertical columns of garter, reverse garter and garter again, I can make something that will grow with the small person. Garter (all knit) and reverse garter (all purl) side by side give the illusion of a seam without the inelasticity of it. Because it looks so much like a seam there's nothing to stop you from seaming up another stripe of garter right next to it to add width or depth depending on how you're wearing the item. And let's say you started with a single color that happens to be a favorite sports team color. You have a place to seam in that team's contrast color and making it look intentional in the first place.
It's the simple things in life that really make us happy :)
YELLOW! lol :) It reminds me of spring & Easter (chocolate, yum). I love it!