I wonder where my stash comes from sometimes. I know some of it has been gifted to me from very generous people who just want to see their unloved yarn find a good home where it will be used and made into interesting things (and that's very flattering in and of itself). I know some of it comes from garage sales, thrift stores and recycled yarn. I've even been known to buy it new once in a while!
What I'm wondering is where all the rest of it comes from? Every sometimes, I'll be digging through the stash and find a scrap ball of yarn that I have never ever seen before. I'm not saying my memory is perfect, but when I find something distinct, one would think I'd have a memory of it.
This scarf was made from just such a scrap ball of yarn. It was slightly glittery, slightly variegated, slightly fuzzy, and felt like wool. I paired it with a couple of creamy colored yarns and made a traveling filet stitch in the center to make sure it lasted as long as I could get it to last. I wish so very much that I knew what the brand of yarn was because I would certainly buy some if it. Alas, I believe it will be a mystery forever.
That yarn could have come from me, I have an equally vague memory. o well, looks like you made a pretty with it!