I made it I made it I MADE IT I MADE IT!!
The final scarf of the year. All posted and made and shared with anyone who happens by. This one took me longer than any other scarf. I used the smallest needles that I've used on any scarf. I did tiny cables and by a long shot there were more cable crossings than any of my other cables scarves put together. It only seems right that the final scarf should be the biggest effort as a way of finishing my year with a bang.
This one is a free pattern available on Ravelry called the Celtic Cable Scarf. The pattern was very well written, but it was all written and no chart, so be ready to either chart it out yourself or just pay close attention on the first repeat so you can refer to the scarf itself for the rest of the scarf instead.
If I'm being totally honest with myself, instead of being excited for completing my challenge, I'm actually disappointed that it's over. It feels a little bit like a gradation. I feel very accomplished, but on the other hand I feel like I've come to an end.
When it all comes down to it, I think the positives outweigh the postpartum depression. I'm very happy that I made my goal. I'm very happy that I had so many scarves to give as gifts for Christmas and still have many more to give to someone who needs them. I certainly did devastate my stash (though it remains quite overwhelming). I even managed to learn a few new techniques and new ways to use old techniques. I learned a little bit more about most people's likes and dislikes when it comes to outerwear. Finally I think the most important thing I learned was quite a lot about time management! I'll never be late for another gift giving situation and I recognize the importance of planning ahead. If I can use these lessons to my advantage in the future, I'll have used this year to great advantage.
It's been a great year and I'm looking forward to 2012!! Be on the lookout for more posts from Kevin. He has a blogging project about Disney feature length animated movies. Watch for me and my hopefully many finished objects. Most of all have a safe and Happy New Year.